You can make a difference.
The GO Project makes it simple!
Most of us want to make a difference, but it can be hard to know where to start and to trust that your individual effort and participation could really help. That's what the GO Project is for.
Every year we come alongside trusted nonprofits and organizations to help them further the incredible work they’re already doing. The GO Project, and your incredible generosity, will help us keep "Being Good Neighbors for God, for People, for a Change" and supporting even more of our communities.
Keep scrolling to find out...
--How your generosity and time made a big impact this PAST year.
--How your generosity and time will GO and make an even bigger impact NEXT year.
--How YOU can help and the GO Project Big Ask (hint: 100% of it is being given away.)
Together, through our time, talent, treasure, and prayers; God is making a difference!
Every Penny Supports Our Mission Partners and Their Work.
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