
Women of Valley engaged

WOVEN is the women's ministry at Valley Church, standing for "Women of Valley ENgaged." The name reflects the idea that our lives are intricately woven together, connected by various experiences and relationships, and held securely by God's love and grace. Through WOVEN, we come together to support and encourage each other, growing in faith and community.

We meet for four main events each year, with additional opportunities for smaller gatherings throughout the year, fostering a sense of belonging and spiritual growth among women in all stages of life.   

March 28:  IF: Mini

An evening of worship & praise with videos from If: Gathering speakers

June 10:  Spring Gathering

Join us at Hager Park in Jenison for an evening of fellowship & fun

Fall Service Day , date to be announced soon

December 3:  Christmas Party

Grand Ravines Lodge annual potluck dinner and night of holiday fun  


Stop by Valley Church on the 3rd Saturday of each month for a cup of coffee and

to hang out for a bit with other Valley Women.  Bring a project to work on if you want, 

or just enjoy the quiet time as a good kick start to your weekend.   From 9:00 - 11:00 am.

April 19

May 17

June 21

July 19

Aug 16

Sept 20

Oct 18

Nov 15

Dec 20


Connect with our Facebook Group HERE for

community, encouragement and prayer!