• Join us after church on January 26th for some pizza and discussion in the worship area. What about? All things Valley Kids! We have the honor of getting to know your kids on a weekly basis, and we would love to share what we do as Directors of this ministry as well as answer any questions you may have!

    Childcare and pizza will be provided in Valley Kids during our get-together.

    Please register using the link below so we know how much food to provide

  • As we jump into a new year we want to be the best church we can be for you. We've put together this SHORT Valley Church Communication Survey to help us learn, listen, and live into being a church community together.

    It should only take about 5-10 minutes and we'd really love to hear from you because your voice matters! We appreciate you taking the time, and we can't wait to share what we learn and how it will help us take next steps as a church and grow for God, for People, for a Change.

  • Twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, we give away free diapers and wipes to families who need a little extra love and support for their infants. We typically give away about 20,000 - 30,000 diapers each year. The Diaper Ministry runs 100% on donated diapers and wipes. .

    We are currently in big need of WIPES and Size 6 diapers!

    Any brand, size, type and amount can be donated.

    You can drop off on Sunday morning, or by contacting us to make other arrangements.