This Easter get "rattled" and discover the
goodness God wants you to experience.
you belong.
easter worship services:
April 20 - 9:00am & 10:30am
Holy Thursday Experience & potluck
(family friendly. LEARN MORE/register HERE >)
April 17 - 6:30PM
This Easter get "rattled" and discover the
goodness God wants you to experience.
Faith is better with friends!
Invite someone to worship with you this Easter! Here’s a graphic you can download and share to invite your friends and family.
Will there be online worship on Easter?
Yes! There sure will. You can worship with your family and/or friends on FACEBOOK or YOUTUBE. We will also be gathering in person for services at 9AM and 10:30AM. We'd love for you to be in the room and space with us!
Will there be anything available for kids in-person on Easter?
Yup! We offer an in-person high energy and engaging experience for children ages 0 - 5th grade. They will celebrate the Resurrection together and learn all about Jesus' love for them.
What should I wear?
If you're worshiping online, whatever you want since you'll be at home! If you worship in-person wear whatever is "you." You'll see all kinds of styles and personalities.
Are you sure I'm "good enough" to go to church?
Of course you are! It doesn't matter who you are, where you've been, or what you've done; you matter to God - and that means you matter to us. We're ALL imperfect so you'll fit right in as we journey together with God.
How long will the service last?
The service will last about 60 minutes. The band will lead us in some powerful worship music, we'll pray together, dive into the message and learn about the Bible Easter story in a practical way, and be sent out into the world to share and send the love of Jesus.