what is the go project grant?

The Go Project empowers the people of Valley to “Be good neighbors” and make a difference in the community for God, for People, for a Change. 

Do you have an idea to serve others or meet a need in your neighborhood or community? We want to help you “GO” for it and even provide money to come alongside of you, or your Go Group (up to $500)!

Valley has funds set aside, from our annual Go Project generosity campaign, for the mission grants. Instead of creating a lot of extra ministries within the church we want to help the people of Valley BE the church across the street, across the city, and across the world. 

go project grant guidelines

1. Anyone Can Apply

Anyone who considers Valley their home can apply for a grant of up to $500

2. Something Local

Projects need to assist someone or something local (other than the person applying or their own family.) 

3. Do it Together

Find at least 2 or more people to do the project with. 

4. Multiply the Money

We hope you can get creative and multiply the gift. (Example: Instead of the using the $500 to help pay someone's medical bill, the $500 could be used to put together a fundraiser to raise $2,000.)

Starter ideas

Here's just a sample of ideas to get you thinking and jump started. 

Clothing drive

Food drive

Diaper drive for the Diaper Ministry

Host a Community Safety Night

Create a one-night neighborhood VBS

Build a handicap ramp for someone

Refurbish a community playground

Fill the fridge in a schools teachers lounge once a month

Throw a block party

Host a spring break vacation camp of some sort for kids

Partner with another mission or nonprofit organization

101 Other Outreach Ideas!

ready to apply for a go project grant?

You don’t need to have your idea finished or even super polished. Apply now and we will reach out ASAP to help you take next steps and offer feedback, encouragement, and guidance.